About me

I'm professor of Social Neuroscience at the Universidad Icesi (Colombia). I'm a PhD. student (Cognitive Science and Language Program) at the University of Barcelona and member of LOGOS, Research Group in Analytic Philosophy (University of Barcelona, Spain). Since 2007 I've taught courses about different topics in Analytic Philosophy and Empirical Psychology (cognitive, evolutionary and neurobiological). I've been visiting researcher at UNAM, México (Instituto de investigaciones filosóficas, 2008), RUB, Germany (Center for Mind and Cognition, 2015), and UDE, Germany (Research Group in Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics, 2017).

I have interests that range from the realm of Cogntive Science into three fields: senso-perceptual activity, cognitive and metacognitive activity, and social cognition. In particular, within the first one, I'm interested in visual experience and visual representation; within the second one, I'm interested in the mechanisms that underlie intuitive, theorethical reasoning, as well as in the possibility of naturalizing conceptual engineering. In the third field I'm interested, on the one hand, in the integration between cuantitative and qualitative models of analysis for the computational study of social phenomena and, on the other hand, in the informational integration and overlapping between cognitive systems.

During 2020, I lead Project Oasis (in response to the impact in Colombia of the ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19). I'm finishing the writting-up period of my PhD. Thesis, entitled The Engines of Intuition, under the supervision of Manuel García-Carpintero, which I'll finally submit on the first semester of 2022. I'm also editing the first companion on Predictive Processing in Spanish, entitled Ciencia Cognitiva y Procesamiento Predictivo (which includes translations of (published and original) papers by Andy Clark, Jakob Hohwy, Sussana Siegel, Fiona Macpherson, Michael Madary, Julian Kiverstein, Zoe Drayson, Matteo Colombo, and others).

To know a bit more about my love for life and catS, "click" HERE.